
equity lead service line replacement program

Under this program, you may be eligible for a free lead service line replacement all the way from the water main into your home plus installation of a free water meter to save money on your water bills if:

- Have a household income below 80% of the area median income ($88,250 for a family of 4). More info here.

- Live in a home that you own.

Priority replacement will be given to residents who also have kids 18 and under in their home or have had elevated lead in their water as determined by free testing done by the Department of Water Management.

Program size limited by the funding available.

Equity Replacement Program


Call 311 or sign up on to request a free test for lead.

Determine Income Eligibility

Submit application documenting household income and home ownership to see if you qualify. Complete the online application or download the application form.
NOTE: Your application is not considered complete until all the documents have been submitted.

Construction Coordination

Once approved for a free service line, meet with the City-provided Contractor to learn about how the work will done and then agree to the work.

Complete  LSLR

The City-provided Contractor will complete the LSLR and, if necessary, the meter installation. A City Inspector will review the installation, and Water Management staff will connect the new service line into the water main. Flush your water per instructions. Using filters that are NSF-53 certified to remove lead is recommended for the first three months after any construction work.

Follow-Up Water Testing

Receive free follow-up lead testing of your water by calling 311 or going to

This program is now accepting applications. Complete the online application or download the application form.

For a list of supporting documents you will need, click here.

Note: Applications are not considered complete until all the documentation has been submitted. Completed applications will be processed in the order they are received.

More information on this program here.

Request a free water test kit here.

lead line programs